Wednesday, January 22, 2025

CAKE #35 - Shannon's Graduation from Law School

Cake # 35 - Shannon's Graduation from Law School 

As if this were a foreshadowing of the wedding cake, I first attempted rosette sides for this cake in baby pink and in an hombre style with color changing as the sides went up (or down.) My color mix was not great and the pink to dusty pink to white didn't really blend well. The dusty pink was too 'brown' and the baby pink was too bright. BUT I think it was o.k. anyway. 

For these cakes they were entirely covered in rosettes. There were 3 'stacked' though for ease of serving since I wasn't worried about too fancy, I kept the cardboard bases between the large and the medium cake.  There were 2 small cakes (like the wedding), one to top the others on a separate stacked serving tray (to make it look like it was 3 tier) and another one to hold the graduation trinkets! 

The next size cake was smaller with gum paste roses that were painted in an edible gold glitter. Very disappointed on how the paint did not stay on well and it was really a bronze at best. I must have painted like 5 coats and it hardly was painted, but kind of worked with the dusty pink on the middle ring of the big cake below it. 

The final piece:

And...the final presentation: 

I would be remiss if I didn't also add a photo of my amazing daughter Meghan( who started this blog) has opened her own business in 2025, for charcuterie boards called "Cheese and Snackers" out of Las Vegas area in Nevada, though she also will serve Orange County when she's here. Look at this beautiful display she was in the middle of putting together for the graduation. If I can figure out how to post a link to her Instagram I will. 

Great job new law school graduate Shannon Marie!


 Link to Meg's site Cheese and Snackers 

 by Meghan

Cake #36 - The Ultimate....4 cake wedding cake

Cake #36 -     THE ULTIMATE.....SHANNON and KASEY'S WEDDING CAKE  - January/February 2025

Not going to share too much as I make it...will reveal after the wedding on 2/13/2025....the day before Valentine's Day. 

But...we will have four cakes....two large 3 layer, Maple with Maple Cinnamon Cream Cheese filling, one medium size with Vanilla Bean and Bavarian Vanilla Cream filling, and the small, with Strawberry cake and Strawberry filling. All will be iced with white buttercream. 

There will be a separate small cake with layers of all 3 flavors for the bride and groom to freeze! 

Here are some samples of the test cakes. The first 4 are the small strawberry one. Ran out of 'test' frosting so it wasn't frosted well...just trying to see what will fit where and whether I can get it really level with some tricks. Meh...pretty good. 

These were the ones I tested more for the content of the cake. Shannon wanted maple so we had to play around with syrups and flavorings to make sure the maple flavor stood out. After a couple of tries we got it right! 

For this, there were multiple side options...smooth completely, striped, and roses, so the bride (or the baker) could choose. In our case we will be doing each large maple in striped and roses and the vanilla in striped and the small in roses (or vice versa). Haven't decided yet, but the smooth isn't it. Too boring.

Pretty comfortable with the top being somewhat 'petaled' vs. smooth. I think it will hold the glitter well.

Tried some gold glitter spray on it and it was horrid. Very yellow looking. So that's a definite "no."

The rosette sides look like this: 

And the likely finished version (without all the glittler and gold flakes.....)


Will post the finished product, when.................